Edward Smith is just an average joe in many ways. But he is also one of ~500 mechaphiliacs (read the
book) who have fallen in love with machines - specifically cars and helicopters. Yes, that is right, this dirty Brit has stuck his dong in over 1000 cars and claims his "most intense sexual experience" to be with a helicopter from the 1980's TV hit Airwolf. In his own words,
"I just loved cute cars right from the beginning, but over the years it got stronger once I got into my teenage years and was my first having sexual urges. When I turned 13 and the famous Corvette Stingray came about, that car was pure sex and just an incredible machine. I WANTED IT."
Gothamist report that Police are searching for man who
robs subway passengers on morning commute. He grabs purses and runs into the subway tunnel. All
female victims.
Be alert, and yes its the typical description
MobileTraffic, a free service for cell phones/internet offers updates from more than 4.6k traffic cameras in seven countries, including the U.S., U.K. and Australia. Good way to get live feeds just in case your going to be stuck....worth a try
I tried a few in NYC, seems like its not a live feed prob takes a snapshot every few minutes. Prob faster if you call your buddy by a comp and have him scroll through some major intersections.

More Justice, double-amputee sprinter Oscar Pistorius won his appeal to compete in Beijing Olympics. There was questions and then a ban by the International Association of Athletics Federation, which claimed from studies that he had an "unfair advantage." The guy has F-in no legs i'm sure hes not goin to torch people. He still needs to shave 1.01 sec from hsi best time to reach Olympic qualifying standards. Hopefully he'll be on the S. African team soon enough.
Yes with a title like that, you know
theres more good news out of the airlines coming.
CNN reports that a
flight attendant on
Compass Airlines on a route from Minneapolis to Regina, Saskatchewan (its in Canada I had to look it up), was pissed about being assigned that route, who wouldn't.
So as he was preparing a cart to serve passengers he set it all up then went back and lit a fire in the bathroom. The plane had to emergency land in Fargo ND, another
bumbleF place.
If you had any doubt, the flight attendant got fired
Ridiculous, a
9 yr old girl has stomach pains, goes to the hospital....what do they find? her embryonic twin........ They knew it was a tumor or odd growth but holy F. Anyhow there's no pictures, which
could've been gross.
odds: 1:500k births.

Is this MTA's way of reupholstering? YEAH BABY!
continuing on from the story earlier someone has finally posted video...JUSTICE

You've heard about BoltBus giving as low as $1 fares from NYC to DC. Greyhound is trying to get in the bame. The bus company is now offering tix between Toronto and New York for >=$1 each way. INSANITY!
The special NeOn coaches will be tricked out with video entertainment, power plugs, and free WiFi. Possibly spinners
So the maker of BlackBerry will start selling a model with a touch screen in 3Q to "try" to take on the IPhone. Verizon, the overcharging, provider will have exclusive rights. The new phone has the nickname "Thunder." To add to Verizon's line of awesome name choices like the Voyager......

Looks like Charles Barkley is
definitely not in Steve Wynn's fave five. Wynn Resorts Ltd is suing Charles Barkley for over $400k in gambling debts. Wynn extended credit to Barkley in October and wasn't' repaid, according to a lawsuit filed yest. Barkley is being sued for breach of contract and unjust enrichment.
One of the five suspects charged inthe killing of Washington Redskins safety Sean Taylor will serve 29 years in prison after pleading guilty to second-degree murderand armed burglary, his lawyer said. Venjah Hunte, 20, may also be required to testify againsthis co-defendants as part of his plea agreement, defenseattorney Michael Hornung said in a telephone interview- bloomberg
If any of you guys want to donate to china earthquake relief effort heres the red cross link
ESPN's financial guide to recovery for Sprewells unpaid taxes, yatch reposession, and becoming a bum.
McDonald’s will be giving away free Southern Style Chicken Biscuits for breakfast, and
Southern Style Chicken sandwiches for lunch and dinner, with the purchase of any medium or large drink.
all this free food today, go enjoy fata**es

Dunkin' Donuts is holding a free iced coffee day on May 15: "Customers can walk into any participating Dunkin' Donuts restaurant throughout the country and receive a free 16 oz. cup of Dunkin' Donuts' premium regular...or many other delicious flavors. Dunkin' Donuts is honoring those who serve by donating $80,000 to the National Police Athletic League (NPAL) to support its Youth Leadership Program